Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Point Of View

Point of view is the prespective from which a narritive is told. In the book Speak the story is told in first person by the main chracter, Melinda.She uses I and tells the story abut herself. Melinda is telling the story in her point of view.Her overall point of view is that she should just keep to herself.She thinks it's always better to be alone and not talk to anybody. But sonner or later she knows she has to speak. An example of her point of view is on page 50 "... i hang out in my refurbished closet space" instead of going with friends or accutally going to a teacher after school for help ,she would rather be alone. Another example of Melindas point of view is on page 30 of the book."If i ever form my own clan we would be the anti-chearleaders... we will wander underneath the bleachers and commit mild acts of mayhem."Instaed of sitting on the bleachers and chearing there school on she would want to be underneath the bleachers where no-one can see her. I think that Melindas point of view is not good for her because being alone all the time isn't good. Some dissucsion questions I used with my group is:
1 Do you have the same point of view as Melinda why or why not?

2. Do you think being alone is good for Melinda?

3. Do you think this is the real Melinda's point of view.

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